Skin cancer is a topic of interest for all people in our country. Statistics demonstrate that one in five people will receive a skin cancer diagnosis at some point, and the numbers continue to rise.
Screening is an essential component to the prevention and early detection of basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, and other forms of skin cancer. Dr. Milan Lombardi performs comprehensive screening using a dermatoscope, leading to the thorough analysis of the skin.
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. In fact, every year, there are more cases of melanoma diagnosed then every other type of cancer combined. And, by the age of 70, one in five Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer.
The earlier that skin cancer is caught, the better the outcome. This is why regular cancer screenings is so important.
A dermatoscope is a special instrument, small enough to hold in the hand comfortably, which allows Dr. Lombardi to see precise detail in his visual examination of the skin. This hand-held instrument has a bright light for better viewing. It also has polarization through which glare from the light is minimized.
Using the dermatoscope, Dr. Lombardi views skin lesions and moles with 10x magnification. The combination of magnification and bright light shows the greatest detail of growths – even the layers that cannot be accurately seen with the naked eye.
Dermatoscopy has been widely practiced in Australia and Europe for several years. Its use in our office leads to accurate and early identification of anomalies in the skin, which equates to the earliest diagnosis and treatment of skin cancers, when present.

Your skin health is essential to your quality of life. For that reason, it is important to Dr. Milan Lombardi, your dermatologist in Tampa Bay. The team at the SynergyMD Cosmetic Dermatology works attentively with each patient to deliver results that last.
If you have questions about our practice and treatment options, contact the office of Dr. Milan Lombardi today to schedule a consultation and begin putting together your personalized treatment plan. Restoring life to your skin has never been easier.