SynergyMD Cosmetic Dermatology

Symptoms and Causes of Rosacea

Dec 15, 2023 @ 01:00 PM — by Dr. Lombardi
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Rosacea may sound like a scary disease, but it is usually harmless when it comes to your overall physical health. However, the red splotches and bumps that show up on the skin during a rosacea flare-up can be very irritating to deal with. Rosacea can negatively impact your life in ways that will only get worse if you do not seek professional rosacea treatment soon. Below, we cover the symptoms and causes of rosacea.

Symptoms and Causes of Rosacea

Today, your Lombardi Dermatology experts will review the symptoms and causes of rosacea so you can understand more about this skin condition. Since it can affect the way you feel both physically and cosmetically, there are a few different ways to get rid of its annoying symptoms. Keep reading to find out what plan of care would work best for you.

What Causes Rosacea?

Rosacea does not have different causes, as it is usually determined by genetic abnormality. There are still debates on the true origin of the condition, but some dermatologists believe that it comes from an adverse blood vessel reaction. It is possible that the vessels in your face, which are incredibly sensitive, are reacting poorly to external irritants.

Rosacea can be more common in those with hyperactive immune systems, poor environmental health, and genetic disposition. Contrary to popular belief, this condition is not contagious and cannot be transferred to others.

What Does Rosacea Look and Feel Like?

As the largest and most external organ in the body, the skin is susceptible to a lot of outside influence. It is very common for people to deal with different skin issues as they grow up, from seasonal hives to long-lasting blemishes. Some skin conditions, such as rosacea, mostly affect the skin on the face. Rosacea is one of these skin conditions that often looks worse than it feels, though it can have quite a few physical symptoms as well.

Rosacea looks and feels like:

Many people with rosacea compare it to bad acne. In fact, some of the oncoming symptoms of rosacea can look a lot like acne, with hard red bumps growing out of increasingly oily skin. Since rosacea is such a well-known condition, there are plenty of ways to reduce symptoms and keep flare-ups at bay.

What is the Best Rosacea Treatment?

You will want to visit a trusted dermatologist who can assist you in treating your symptoms of rosacea. Anyone who is feeling exasperated by the constant cycle of red bumps and swelling can benefit from one of our many therapy treatments. We seek to clear up your skin for good while preventing rosacea outbreaks.

Light Treatment

Using laser-guided technology, we can directly target the areas of your skin that you are looking to clear up. The laser process is an advanced form of treatment that does not require any incisions or surgery. It uses targeted energy to send blasts of hot light through your skin, stimulating your skin cells and jumpstarting the healing process.

You do not have to worry about recovery time or leftover scarring from our laser light therapies. Many rosacea patients are able to improve the look, texture, and feeling of their skin after their personalized treatment.

Medication Therapy

In addition to laser light therapy, you may be able to take a proactive approach by treating the most irritating symptoms of rosacea with medication. Your doctor can prescribe an ointment or medication that you can apply to the surface of your skin. These medications are meant to reduce the number and the severity of your outbreaks. However, medicine usually does not completely get rid of rosacea on its own.

Lifestyle Change

Did you know that different environmental factors can trigger rosacea outbreaks? The more you get familiar with the patterns of your condition, the easier it will be to identify external triggers. Some people are more likely to get an outbreak after being exposed to extreme heat, while others actually face worse reactions in the cold. Find out what is causing you to break out and remove that element from your life completely.

Start Your Personal Rosacea Treatment Today

If you are tired of being controlled by the cycle of your rosacea triggers, you can end the battle with your skin today. Contact Dr. Lombardi’s office and schedule a personal consultation so we can take a look at your rosacea symptoms. We will provide the perfect treatment option for you and your skin.