SynergyMD Cosmetic Dermatology

Banish Cosmetic Blemishes with This Cosmetic Laser

Nov 22, 2016 @ 01:00 PM — by Dr. Lombardi
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As the largest and most exposed organ on your body, your skin is incredibly vulnerable to the effects of the sun and multitude of chemicals circulating through the air and water. Of course, your skin also shows the signs of your age before anything else. Whether you are struggling with rosacea, unsightly veins, warts, scars, skin tags, or sun damage, the excel V laser system is your solution.

The Science Behind the excel V

The excel V is a cutting edge laser system that directly targets vascular skin condition like facial veins, scars, red birthmarks, angiomas, rosacea, and more. During treatment, the system uses a high powered green laser to treat dilated blood vessels. As the laser’s green light shines into your skin, the thermal energy of the wavelengths forces blood vessels to coagulate and reabsorb into the body, which makes them far less visible over time.

The longer wavelength of the excel V allows it to efficiently treat purple leg veins, periorbital blue veins, and deeper vascular structures that other laser systems cannot. Thanks to adjustable settings, the excel V can be used for customized treatments; large or small areas, any skin tone, any condition. Best of all, this laser system has an automatic cooling system to keep your skin comfortable during treatment.

Tailored Results

Your dermatologist can help you determine if the excel V is the right laser system to resolve your skin condition, as well as identify how many treatments you will need to achieve improvement. Some patients only need one treatment, while others need a series of treatments to completely resolve the dilated blood vessels. Before and after pictures of excel V patients speak for themselves; after just three to five treatments, women who used to have red, blotchy cheeks boast clear, vibrant skin, and previously bothersome red bumps and veins simply disappear.

Thanks to the excel V system, you don’t have to accept unwanted skin conditions as a fact of life. Ask your dermatologist if the excel V can work a miracle for you.